Whatever the season, it’s always a good time to do some deep cleaning! Not only will you feel more organized, but you can benefit from having a healthier space, which is especially important in the kitchen. This article will cover cleaning and organizing your fridge so you can waste less food and less time, as well as enjoy the sight of a clean and tidy fridge when you open it.
Cleaning Your Fridge
![Cleaning refrigerator](https://www.staterbros.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/FridgeCleaning_1024x536.jpg)
When we think of spring cleaning, we may leave out our refrigerators. After all, the fridge door is closed most of the time, so it can be easy to forget about! Nonetheless, it’s a vital component of your kitchen and relatively easy to clean. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide.
1) Go through and get rid of any spoiled food
2) Empty your fridge, setting all food items on a counter or table while you clean
3) Take out all removable parts, e.g. shelves, drawers, etc.
4) Wash the removable parts by hand with warm, soapy water. You can use any type of non-scratch sponge. Be careful, though, not to run hot water over cold glass shelves, as they can crack.
5) Wipe the inside of your refrigerator with warm, soapy water. You can also use a gentle cleaner like our Full Circle Market All Purpose Cleaner, Free & Clear. Use a clean towel to dry everything.
6) Optional: To sanitize your fridge, use a solution of one tablespoon of liquid bleach in one gallon of water.
7) Put all removable parts back in, then all of your food items. As you place these items back, you might take a moment to wash off any sticky or otherwise dirty containers (think maple syrup bottles, for example).
That’s it—you’ve got a clean fridge! Now is also a great time to consider organizing it.
Organizing Your Fridge
There’s no one way to organize your fridge. That said, there are some basic concepts that make sense based on the temperature of different parts of the fridge and the types of food you have.
In general, there are three shelves/areas as well as drawers:
● Bottom: This is where you can keep more sensitive items (like fish or meat).
● Middle: This shelf is good for uncovered produce (like berries).
● Top: This is typically a warmer part of the fridge, so refrain from keeping items like fresh meat here. You may want to put items here that you need to eat soon anyway (like takeout or leftovers).
● Drawers: This is the best place for your produce.
In general, it’s a good idea to keep the most time-sensitive items front and center, which will help prevent food waste. And speaking of food waste, since most fruits produce a gas that causes other produce to ripen more quickly—often too quickly—you want to separate your fruits and veggies.
For example, you can use handy organizers to separate your fruits and veggies. Clear bins and dividers are great because they allow you to see exactly what you have. Another favorite fridge-organizing hack of ours is to use a Lazy Susan, as they allow you to access items more easily.
It is also generally not recommended to store any perishable items such as milk in the doors of the refrigerator. Although it is convenient, the temperature in the door can fluctuate and can cause items to spoil quickly. Storing items in the main part of the refrigerator is best because temperature is more stable.
Wrapping Up
Keep your refrigerator smelling fresh and clean by de-odorizing it with baking soda. Place an open box of baking soda into your fridge can help keep bad odors away. Replace every three months.
And there you have it—a clean and well-organized fridge! Whether it’s for spring cleaning or any other time of year, you’ll be thrilled with your new and improved fridge.